C.E.P.A. LEGIÓN V (Mérida, Spain)

C.E.P.A. LEGIÓN V (Mérida, Spain)
Teatro Romano de Mérida / ROMAN THEATRE, MÉRIDA (Spain)

A Sentimental Journey through ENGLISH: Un viaje sentimental a través del inglés...

Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate

To my fellow students, workmates, followers and visitors to our site:

 Why this corner? Why in English? Why "sentimental"?
This CORNER has been organized by two members of THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES FIELDS (Rocío and me, Marina) o f our school, CEPA Legión V, which is an adult education school located in the centre of a west-Spanish ancient Roman town called Mérida.
This corner, and the whole blog by itself, aims at bringing together students, teachers, and the whole school community in the experience of sharing, communicating, learning, teaching… [that is how we can call it 'sentimental', somehow] by using technologies which must not be called “new” anymore. From this workshop we have built in our school, our department in particular, wants to draft an opportunity to go deeper into such topics as: the importance of both Communication and Social Sciences Fields in the Lifelong Learning Program or adult education, to call it another way.
Broadly speaking, Communication (both linguistic -oral, written- and non-linguistic communication) provides us, the citizens of today’s world with the necessary tools to express our needs and feelings, to open or widen our minds and views, etc. and it is intimately linked to Social Sciences in that Communication offers us the opportunity to develop a critical thinking when dealing with social topics, because we do not live in isolation. Because we live in community, in a world in which many different events are on for many different people in many different places all around the globe. The awareness of the magnificence of this sociocultural variety is essential for any individual, we think. Of course, it is also paramount to understand today’s world from the historical perspective that the social sciences field offers to both the students and the teachers. Yes, both, because teachers learn by teaching and students learn by discovering… In the end, the blog will meet teachers and students from our school and maybe other Adult or Lifelong education schools into this macro-community, which is the internet, within the wider spectrum of the big society.
Perhaps this is a monumental task, fur sure a task too difficult to fulfill in a multipurpose-blog but from our department, we seriously consider this corner could be a very first step, a junior project, even a meeting point, a tool, with information on good practice, activities and examples, posts, fun stuff, opinions, links, gadgets, etc. related to both Social Sciences and Communication Fields. It is all about sharing, because, yes, we should share in this world. We need to share, that is, to communicate, that is, to socialize…


ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS - Para los que empiezan desde 'casi'-cero :)
TO USE at HOME, before coming to CLASS:

(Algunos enlaces útiles para compartir con vosotros)

a satirical look on the importance of words ;)

"Never regard study as a duty but as an enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later works belong." Albert Einstein.

Imagen procedente de: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/
COME ON!!!! Let's do something in English!!! Next time, I'll hand out the homework here ;)
You, my fellow students have got to remember what a man called Confucius once stated:
 "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucius

Put the blame on my strong belief on his stament for you extra effort using your dictionaries and materials all the time!!! ;)

LiFE is short
ArT is long
Oppurtunity fleeting
ExPeriment treacherous
Judgement difficult...
(umberto Eco)




Mérida (Spain), September 2010
My Dear Students,

I would like to welcome you all to this blog! As a teacher, I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know each of you, and I’m looking forward to making you enjoy a happy, effective and productive school year.

I will be teaching two different types of groupings and fields:

  • The Communication Field in Level 2 (Modules 1 and 2) in COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION FOR ADULT STUDENTS.

  • A course named “Introduction to English for Adult Beginners” (non-compulsory education, which gives me a high expectancy of motivation on your behalf, my dear students).

As some already know, concerning ESPA (Compulsory Secondary Education in Adult Schools), curriculum areas of the COMMUNICATION FIELD will focus on Spanish Language and Literature and, of course, ENGLISH Language (and literature???).

Students are required to bring the following supplies to school before the academic year starts: one notebook (but, in the case of ESPA STUDENTS, two notebooks instead: one for Spanish Language and literature, and another one for English), pen, pencil, rubber, and some highlighting pens,... in short, STATIONARY.
Additionally, for ESPA students you will have this suggested coursework:
NIVEL II DE EDITORIAL SAFEL: Ámbito de la Comunicación: Lengua Castellana y Literatura.
NIVEL II DE EDITORIAL SAFEL: Ámbito de la Comunicación: Inglés + CD Audio.

In the second term of CURSO DE INICIACIÓN AL INGLÉS, we might be using a Burlington edited workbook. We just need to see how we are improving in class.
My homework policy is “TRY TO DO YOUR BEST, but DO IT”, just as simple as that. it is by no means a chance that I emphasize this paragraph by quoting a well-known saying, presumably attributed to Confucius: "I see & I forget. I hear & I remember. I do & I understand." This is perhaps the philosophy underlying our in-class lessons, in which, ACTION is regarded as fundamental. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF MAKING MISTAKES, errors are part of the learning process. ONE THING I WANT TO EMPHASISE HERE IS THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE OF YOUR OWN LEARNING PROCESS. KEEP THAT IN MIND. So, please, I ask that any coursework or task MUST BE handed-in in the agreed date, no sooner, no later than the day I ask you to hand-out any activity of such kind.

In my grading policy I will take into account, not only the examinations, but also homework, classwork, the attitude, participation in class, the interest and motivation, the organisation of your notebooks, among others..

Additionally, classroom policies, will be agreed on at the beginning of our academic year, taking as a basis the official NORMAS DE CONVIVENCIA provided by the Chief of Studies of this School, Mr. Luis Rodríguez.
We can discuss other behavioural procedures, if necessary, in class, with the aim of arriving at a common and sensitive agreement.

Special classroom events that may be planned for this academic year include “international days, poetry compositions and readings, etc. Additionally, we can do special activities and discussions in our lessons, according to the following calendar:
17th of October: the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty;
20th of November: World Day of Prevention of Child Abuse & the Rights of Boys & Girls;
1st of December: World AIDS Day;
10th of December: Human Rights World Day;
30th of January: School Day of No-violence & Peace;
8th of March: International Women’s day;
15th of March: World Consumer Rights Day;
21st of March: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;
7th of April: The World Health Day;
23rd of April: International Book Day
5th of June: World Environment Day.
Please mark those dates on your calendar. A good idea is to get a personal diary (agenda) so as to take notes of exams dates, the above dates, homework... in this way, you take RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR OWN PLANNING.

You may wonder why I decided to prepare a blog, specifically for English this year... Well, my dear students, we all know that LEARNING English is considered very important today since it makes a twofold contribution, in providing linguistic experience as well as human/social experience. Don't you use language when you want to order something?? you do! Sometimes, it is body language, but mainly we use linguistic signs to communicate. What if you decide to start travelling? Wouldn't you like to be able to communicate with people from other countries?? Furthermore, we live in Mérida, a gorgeous and touristic Roman town which is always crowded with tourists all the year round. Come on!!! We have a great opportunity to practice!!!to learn and to improve!!!Let's take this opportunity as a present!! What if we have a chance to get to know these people?? and how about those of you who work in shops, museums, bars, pubs and public services in Mérida?? What happens when some non-Spanish-speaking tourist orders a coffee in a cafeteria, or just asks you for directions,... wouldn't you be willing to help??? Of course, you would. I'm sure! You still need more reasons??? There are many more reasons but, I will focus now on the USAGE OF THE World Wide Web: wouldn't you like to understand many web pages which are in English???????? So, my dear students, we NEED effective communication in English, no matter we live in Mérida, Trujillanos, Arroyo de San Serván, or any other location because we must not forget that we are PART OF TODAY'S SOCIETY and the society of the XXIst century is characterised by three fundamental features: first, globalisation; second, massive usage of technologies of information & communication; and last but not least, ‘multilinguism. Let's live together in this multilingual (and multicultural) society in which interchanges of all kinds (personal, sentimental -imagine you fall in love with someone from the UK, Belgium, Ireland, Iceland, or from anywhere else from Europe! WOW, how beautiful-, labour -yes, WORK!! Why not taking the chance of working abroad, or working in our country with businesses which have partners associates in other countries-, economic reasons,...) are more & more frequent everyday.
Well, if this is not enough, in class, I will try to at least convince you about how important learning English is! I'm sure, you will agree in some points with me!

If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to visit our classroom tutorials, schedule a meeting, or volunteer to help out with an innovative activity, SUGGESTIONS are welcome: you can contact me at school from Monday to Friday: Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, I'll be at your disposal in the mornings; Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I'll be available in the afternoon-evening shift. The best times to reach me are in TUTORÍAS: I will be your tutor and counselour one day per week per group, that is, one day for the ESPA students (Level 2, class B, that is evening-afternoon group), and one day for the students of the Beginners Level English Course for Students.

Additionally, I will inform you of any EXTRA-SCHOOL ACTIVITY that the coordinator of such activities may be organized. I hope you will make it a priority this year to attend as many school-sponsored events as possible. Let's live as a community!

Once again, welcome to OUR SCHOOL. Let’s work together to make this the best year ever!

Marina, from now on, your teacher.

10 comentarios:

  1. Un poco de poesía... / Some Poetry: EMILY DICKINSON

    Emily Dickinson, American poetry-writer, explores in this poem the worth of her own life. I read and reread this poem and every time I do it, I like it more and more and every time I do it, it gets more sense to me... I hope you all like it...

    Emily Dickinson, poetisa norteamericana, explora en estos versos el valor de su propia vida. Leo y releo este poema, y cada vez que lo hago, me gusta más; y cada vez que lo hago cobra mayor sentido para mí... Espero os guste..

    If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain: If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.

    ¿Alguien se atreve a traducirlo al castellano? Yo prefiero quedarme con el mensaje directo, en la versión orginal, sin interferencias, en inglés, en el inglés de " la gran Dickinson"... pero me encantaría leer aportaciones... interpretaciones... pues traducir es interpretar, ¿verdad?

  2. Más sobre Emily Dickinson:

    Por si a alguien le despertó la curiosidad:


  3. Me he suscrito recientemente a la Academia de Poetas Americanos Online (poets.org). Os lo recomiendo a todos aquéllos interesados en la literatura en general, y en saber un poco más de inglés en particular ;) Me gustaría compartir aquí un poema que, hace unas semanas, captó mi atención.

    I have recently subscribed to the Academy of American Poets on the internet (poets.org). I totally recommend you to visit the website to those interested in literature, in general, and learning more English, in particular ;) I would like to share a poem that a few weeks ago draw my attention.

    "Fireflies", by Fred Chappell

    The children race now here by the ivied fence,
    gather squealing now there by the lily border.
    The evening calms the quickened air, immense
    and warm; its veil is pierced with fire. The order
    of space discloses as pair by pair porch lights
    carve shadows. Cool phosphors flare when dark
    permits yearning to signal where, with spark
    and pause and spark, the fireflies are, the sites
    they spiral when they aspire, with carefree ardor
    busy, to embrace a star that draws them thence.

    Like children we stand and stare, watching the field
    that twinkles where gold wisps fare to the end
    of dusk, as the sudden sphere, ivory shield
    aloft, of moon stands clear of the world's far bend.

    This poem is from Shadow Box, published by LSU Press. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.



    "I treasure all of the experiences I've had in my life. Each experience in your life was absolutely necessary in order to take you to the next place, and the next, up until this very moment."

    Wayne Dyer

    BUSCABA ESTE TEXTO PARA MIS ALUMNOS Y LO ENCONTRÉ: ¡BINGO! Ahora no me pueden decir que no saben nada de inglés!!!

    (...)Esto es la carta que escribió una señora al programa de radio de Luis del Olmo para que la leyeran en directo:

    "Desde que las insignias se llaman pins, los maricones gays, las comidas frías lunchs, y los repartos de cine castings, este país no es el mismo: ahora es mucho, muchísimo más moderno.

    Antaño los niños leían tebeos en vez de comics, los estudiantes pegaban posters creyendo que eran carteles, los empresarios hacían negocios en vez de business, y los obreros, tan ordinarios ellos, sacaban la fiambrera al mediodía en vez del tupper-ware.

    Yo, en el colegio, hice aerobic muchas veces, pero, tonta de mi, creía que hacía gimnasia. Nadie es realmente moderno si no dice cada día cien palabras en inglés. Las cosas, en otro idioma, nos suenan mucho mejor. Evidentemente, no es lo mismo decir bacon que panceta, aunque tengan la misma grasa, ni vestíbulo que hall, ni inconveniente que handicap...

    Desde ese punto de vista, los españoles somos modernísimos. Ya no decimos bizcocho, sino plum-cake, ni tenemos sentimientos, sino fellings.

    Sacamos tickets, compramos compacs, comemos sandwiches, vamos al pub, practicamos el rappel y el raffting , en lugar de acampar hacemos camping y, cuando vienen los fríos, nos limpiamos los mocos con kleenex.

    Esos cambios de lenguaje han influido en nuestras costumbres y han mejorado mucho nuestro aspecto. Las mujeres no usan medias, sino panties y los hombres no utilizan calzoncillos, sino slips, y después de afeitarse se echan after shave, que deja la cara mucho más fresca que el tónico.

    El español moderno ya no corre, porque correr es de cobardes, pero hace footing; no estudia, pero hace masters y nunca consigue aparcar pero siempre encuentra un parking.

    El mercado ahora es el marketing; el autoservicio, el self-service; el escalafón, el ranking y el representante, el manager. Los importantes son vips, los auriculares walkman, los puestos de venta stands, los ejecutivos yuppies; las niñeras baby-sitters, y hasta nannies, cuando el hablante moderno es, además, un pijo irredento.

    En la oficina, el jefe esta siempre en meetings o brain storms, casi siempre con la public-relations, mientras la assistant envía mailings y organiza trainings; luego se irá al gimnasio a hacer gim-jazz, y se encontrará con todas las de la jet, que vienen de hacerse liftings, y con alguna top-model amante del yoghurt light y el body-fitness.

    El arcaico aperitivo ha dado paso a los cocktails, donde se jartan a bitter y a roast-beef que, aunque parezca lo mismo, engorda mucho menos que la carne.

    Ustedes, sin ir más lejos trabajan en un magazine, no en un programa. En la tele, cuando el presentador dice varias veces la palabra O.K. y baila como un trompo por el escenario la cosa se llama show, bien distinto, como saben ustedes, del anticuado espectáculo; si el show es heavy es que contiene carnaza y si es reality parece el difunto diario El Caso, pero en moderno.

    Entre medias, por supuesto, ya no ponen anuncios, sino spots que, aparte de ser mejores, te permiten hacer zapping.

    Estas cosas enriquecen mucho.

    Para ser ricos del todo, y quitarnos el complejo tercermundista que tuvimos en otros tiempos, solo nos queda decir con acento americano la única palabra que el español ha exportado al mundo: la palabra "SIESTA."

    Espero que os haya gustado... yo antes de leerlo no sabía si tenía stress o es que estaba hasta los cojones.


    La leímos los primeros días de la clase de comunicación y todos reímos, disfrutamos y, a la vez, quedamos sorprendidos ante la 'invasión' del anglicismo en nuestra lengua.

  6. Pues este fue un dictado en la clase de Comunicación, en la parte correspondiente a Lengua Castellana. Pero quería dejar aquí, ya que tenemos la traducción, el mismo dictado pero en inglés:


    I want you to listen to me without judging me
    I want you to give your opinion without giving me advice
    I want you to trust me without expecting anything
    I want you to help me without deciding for me
    I want you to care for me without smothering me
    I want you to see me without seeing yourself in me
    I want you to hug me without suffocating me
    I want you to encourage me without hassling me
    I want you to hold me without holding me down
    I want you to protect me without lying
    I want you to come closer without intruding
    I want you to know everything that displeases you about me
    That you accept this and do not try to change it
    I want you to know ...that you can count on me today...

    Quiero (Jorge Bucay)

    Quiero que me oigas, sin juzgarme.
    Quiero que opines, sin aconsejarme.
    Quiero que confí­es en mi, sin exigirme.
    Quiero que me ayudes, sin intentar decidir por mi.
    Quiero que me cuides, sin anularme.
    Quiero que me mires, sin proyectar tus cosas en mi.
    Quiero que me abraces, sin asfixiarme.
    Quiero que me animes, sin empujarme.
    Quiero que me sostengas, sin hacerte cargo de mi.
    Quiero que me protejas, sin mentiras.
    Quiero que te acerques, sin invadirme.
    Quiero que conozcas las cosas mías que más te disgusten,
    que las aceptes y no pretendas cambiarlas.
    Quiero que sepas, que hoy,
    hoy podés contar conmigo.
    Sin condiciones.

  7. Para repasar cómo expresar lo que nos gusta y lo que no nos gusta...


  8. Gracias al impulso de Marina, ahora NO ME DA MIEDO HABLAR EN INGLÉS. Gracias.

  9. Juani Cascos Carmona14 de marzo de 2011, 1:28

    me parecio simpatico..y como estamos con estos temas en Ingles me acorde de ti...X-)

    Desde los años 70 hasta hoy se han producido algunos cambios en la forma de expresarse del personal...

    Aquí van algunos detalles para que estéis al día.



    Somos ciento y la madre


    Ir a descansar a un balneario

    Ir al Spa



    Don José, ¿me manda al niño con el pedido?


    Trabajar bajo cuerda

    Contrato en Prácticas


    Expresión sacada de contexto



    la tienda de saldos


    Ninguna tía me hace caso

    No encuentro mi target

    Vestirse con cualquier trapito

    Ser fashion

    Hacer la vida imposible en el trabajo


    Comprar compulsivamente

    Shopping victim



    Barrita de pan


    Estar traspuesto del viaje

    Tener jet-lag


    Ejecutivo de cuentas



    Servilleta escrita


    Robo indiscriminado de los políticos

    Déficit público

    Curandero / a


    Tocarse las pelotas en el curro

    Estar en una teleconferencia

    Entre bambalinas


    2+2 para ti = 3, para mí = 5


    Profe de gimnasia

    Personal trainer

    Caminar entre pedruscos, arbustos y matojos


    Nunca le gustó trabajar

    Meterse a político

    Me voy al bar a ver si ligo algo

    Me voy a chatear

    Reunión de cantamañanas


    La calentura es mutua

    Funciona la química

    Viajar a cualquier lado como sea

    Turismo de aventura

    Franja de máxima audiencia

    Prime time

    Manipular a la opinión pública

    Fenómeno mediático

    No entiendo un pijo

    Hay que leer entre líneas

    Bragas y sostenes


    Dame el mando de la tele

    Hacer zapping

    No ponen nada en la tele


    Poner accesorios al coche


    Tercer Mundo

    Países Emergentes

    Cuantos más seamos menos pagaremos

    Joint Venture

    Despidos masivos


    Joderle la vida a los demás

    Libertad de expresión

  10. Gracias, veo las paginas que me envías, y son muy bonitas y me siento identificada, sobre todo el ridículo que se hace.Sobre todo en el examen, gracias por darme una oportunidad,en la cita de Gandi primero te ignora luego se ríen de ti y después te atacan, eso es una verdad como un templo, o en la otra que todo gran movimiento debe pasar por el ridículo, debate,adopción. me siento un poco identificada.¡gracias¡
